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This policy was revised in response to amendments to Texas Government Code that now allows Mental Health Leave for emergency dispatchers (Telecommunicators).

This policy was revised as part of the 6-year review cycle. References to “Office of Institutional Compliance” and “Office of Equal Opportunity” have been changed to “University Integrity and Compliance” and “Equal Opportunity and Title IX,” respectively. Updates also include changes to policy references, job titles, and clarifying language being added to Protection Against Retaliation and Confidentiality.

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Policy was updated to change the custodian of record for international students.

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Policy was revised to remove a reference to the retired policy 05.065, Sick Leave Donation.

Policy was revised to align with Texas Executive Order GA-44 requirements.

This policy was updated to align with new requirements of Tex. Educ. Code §51.3525 (commonly referred to as SB17).

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Non-substantive revision to change references to a deleted policy (04.009). Also updated the name Office of University Compliance and Ethics to University Integrity and Compliance (UIC).

Policy was updated to revise definition of "accident" to be congruent with the federal definition.

New policy
Policy was reinstated and rewritten after six years of being retired to provide additional information in the evaluation of part-time instructors.
This policy was reviewed as part of the standard 6-year review process. The policy was updated to add additional clarity to the definition of “Person with a disability.” Additional details were also added to the Student Responsibilities, Notifications, and Faculty Responsibilities sections. The grievance procedures were removed from this policy and placed into its own document. Ownership of this document was changed to VP for Finance and Administration from VP for IDEA.