Policy Updates

February 22, 2024

06.013 Conferring of Emeritus Status
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Non-substantive revision. Updated policy contact and added definition for "continuing appointment."

February 21, 2024

06.030 Review and Approval of Online and Hybrid Courses and Programs
Updates to this policy include changing title to “Review and Approval of Online and Hybrid Courses and Programs.” New definition for “instructional design” was added. Language was updated in various places to more clearly explain lines of authority and responsibility during the course review process.

February 18, 2024

05.011 Employment of Individuals with Disabilities and Workplace Accommodations
This policy was updated to add clarifying language to several definitions and multiple sections including reasonable accommodations and confidentiality.

February 16, 2024

06.001 Evaluating, Awarding, and Accepting Credit
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Supplemental guidelines have been added as an attachment to this policy.

February 15, 2024

14.002 Information Security
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Updated hyperlink to UNT System Information Security Handbook.
14.003 Acceptable Use
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Updated hyperlink to UNT System Information Security Handbook.
04.024 Identity Theft Prevention
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Updated hyperlink to UNT System Information Security Handbook.

February 01, 2024

15.009 Biosafety
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Policy contact changed to "Sr. Director, Research Compliance" from "Assistant Vice President for Research Integrity & Compliance."
13.006 Research Misconduct
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Policy contact changed to "Assoc. Vice President, Research and Innovation" from "Assistant Vice President, Research Integrity & Compliance."

January 29, 2024

07.008 On-Campus Housing Residence Requirements for First-Year Students
Review without revision
This policy was reviewed as part of the standard 6-year review cycle. No substantive changes were made.


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