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Revised to update the delegation of authority in the absence of the University President.

Revision added definitions, updated content to reflect current procedures for staff evaluations, and added guidelines for administrative review process.

Revision updated definitions and parties responsible for policy execution.

Policy revision:

• Eliminated Compensatory Time accrual for Exempt Employees.
• Added Exception for Emergency Services Personnel.
• Added Payment for Compensatory Time explaining payment options.

Policy updated for improvement to clarity of language.

Revision merged UNT 16.007, Title IX Sexual Harassment, and 16.005 into a comprehensive sexual misconduct policy. Effective date: 6/1/2021.

Revision added a definition, clarified the appropriate permissions for approval to audit and associated privileges.
Revision added language permitting associate graduate faculty members with a terminal degree to co-chair master's and doctoral committees in partnership with a full graduate faculty member.

Revision added definitions. Longevity Pay content updated to incorporate UNT System procedures. Hazardous Pay content revision removed the 30 year eligibility limitation, in accordance with the revision to the corresponding section of the Texas Government Code to remove the $300 limitation.

Policy revision:
• Separated user requirements for radiation, x-ray and laser safety programs: Individuals possessing, receiving, using, storing, or transferring any radioactive materials, radiation-producing devices or lasers must be registered under the UNT radioactive material license.

• Radiation producing devices and lasers must be registered under a current Certificate of X-Ray registration or Certificate of Laser registration, as applicable, issued by the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS), unless a written exemption is granted by TDSHS.

• Designated that all activity related specifically to the sources of radiation and lasers must be within the scope of the current Radioactive Material License, Certificate of X-Ray registration and Certificate of Laser registration.

• Updated the Radiation Safety Committee duties and designated the Radiation Safety Officer as a non-voting member.