Policy Updates

July 08, 2021

04.010 Reporting Suspected Abuse and Neglect of Children, and Elderly or Disabled Individuals
Revision provided distinction between abuse of a child and abuse of an elderly or disabled individual, revised definition language to support the distinction between child abuse, elderly abuse, and abuse of a disabled individual, and clarified reporting requirements.

June 18, 2021

04.005 University Operations During Absence of the President
Revised to update the delegation of authority in the absence of the University President.

June 16, 2021

05.043 Staff Development/Performance Planning and Review
Revision added definitions, updated content to reflect current procedures for staff evaluations, and added guidelines for administrative review process.

June 15, 2021

06.013 Conferring of Emeritus Status
Revision updated definitions and parties responsible for policy execution.

June 04, 2021

05.062 Compensatory Time and Overtime
Policy revision: • Eliminated Compensatory Time accrual for Exempt Employees. • Added Exception for Emergency Services Personnel. • Added Payment for Compensatory Time explaining payment options.

June 01, 2021

11.002 Space Management and Assignment
Policy updated for improvement to clarity of language.

May 29, 2021

16.005 Prohibition Against Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation
Revision merged UNT 16.007, Title IX Sexual Harassment, and 16.005 into a comprehensive sexual misconduct policy. Effective date: 6/1/2021.

May 18, 2021

06.026 Graduate Faculty Membership
Revision added language permitting associate graduate faculty members with a terminal degree to co-chair master's and doctoral committees in partnership with a full graduate faculty member.
07.017 Senior Citizens Auditing Courses
Revision added a definition, clarified the appropriate permissions for approval to audit and associated privileges.

May 10, 2021

05.039 Longevity Pay/Hazardous Duty Pay
Revision added definitions. Longevity Pay content updated to incorporate UNT System procedures. Hazardous Pay content revision removed the 30 year eligibility limitation, in accordance with the revision to the corresponding section of the Texas Government Code to remove the $300 limitation.


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