Policy Updates

July 27, 2023

06.048 Charter of the Faculty Senate of the University of North Texas
Non-process/non-substantive revision 7/27/2023. Policy was updated to reflect UNT's adoption of "Professional Faculty" designation; replaces the outgoing "Non-Tenure Track Faculty" designation.
06.002 Academic Appointments and Titles
Format Only
Non-process/non-substantive revision. Policy was updated to reflect UNT's adoption of "Professional Faculty" designation; replaces the outgoing "Non-Tenure Track Faculty" designation.

July 26, 2023

14.003 Acceptable Use
This policy was combined with 14.001 to create a singular Acceptable Use policy. Language updates to the definition of email and its usage at UNT as well as minor editorial changes were made.

July 13, 2023

04.007 Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing
This policy was combined with 04.009. The policy changed its name from "Fraud" to "Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing" (which was the title of the now retired 04.009).

June 14, 2023

06.023 Program for Teaching Personnel Whose Primary Language is Not English
The required score was shifted from 26 to 25 on the Speaking Section of the TOEFL iBT. The Speaking Section of the TOEFL iBT is required for teaching personnel and will qualify them for any duty assigned by a department. The previous title of the policy was “Program of Assistance for Teaching Personnel Whose Primary Language is Not English”. The title of the policy has been modified to remove the words “of Assistance”. The current title of the policy is “Program for Teaching Personnel Whose Primary Language is Not English”.

June 12, 2023

15.016 Unmanned Aircraft System
This policy was revised to add liability information.

June 09, 2023

06.012 Payment of Nine-Month Contracts
Faculty are only able to modify their payment election prior to the first day of work of the new fiscal year. Any decision to modify annualized compensation must be made in writing and submitted to Academic Resources prior to the first day of work for the new fiscal year. The annualized compensation agreement will be automatically renewed each fiscal year without submission of a new pay option form unless there are changes in the annualized compensation program or related laws that require participant renewal.

May 17, 2023

05.013 Workplace Religious Accommodations
Policy was revised to update the submission request time frame from three days to ten. Minor formatting changes were also completed.

April 17, 2023

04.016 Use of Alcoholic Beverages
Revised to change the permitted alcohol sales and consumption time from 5:00PM to 4:00PM.
04.002 Request for Information Made Under the Texas Public Information Act
Revised in accordance with various administrative updates from the State of Texas. Additional changes were made for clarity and formatting.


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