Policy Updates

March 14, 2018

15.006 Campus Closures
The policy was revised to reflect a change in campus closure procedures.
16.001 Disability Accommodations for Students and Academic Units
The policy makes ODA the clearinghouse for all decisions regarding student accommodations and clarifies faculty responsibility regarding disability accommodation.

February 12, 2018

06.043 Graduate Fellowship/Research Assistantship Load Specifications
Revised to update job titles within the policy.
06.006 Librarian Faculty Reappointment and Promotion
New Policy
This policy provides the framework for the development and implementation of unit-level criteria, procedures, and communication processes that support reappointment and promotion for Librarian Faculty.

January 31, 2018

16.005 Prohibition Against Sexual Misconduct and Retaliation
The policy was revised to comply with SB 969, requiring a new university definition of "sexual harassment."

January 29, 2018

06.024 Evaluation of Part-Time Instructors
The policy was deleted because elements of the policy were either no longer relevant to the institution's process, or were incorporated into other policies.
06.009 Tenured Administrators Returning to Full-time Academic Status
The policy was revised to clarify the responsibilities of new and existing administrators who or, or may return to full-time faculty positions. The revision also addresses pre-negotiated terms.
06.010 Development Leave
The policy revised to incorporate development leave for staff as well as faculty. The policy title was also changed from Faculty Development Leave to Development Leave.

January 18, 2018

12.002 Disposal of Abandoned Property
Added provision for a person who finds abandoned property to make a claim for the property.


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