Policy Updates

April 10, 2018

16.004 Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
The policy was revised to make the definition of "harassment" consistent with UNT Policy 16.005 and the requirements of SB 968.

March 27, 2018

06.041 Stewardship of and Open Access to Works of Scholarship
The policy was revised to provide clarity to stewardship and access to scholarship.
15.012 Risk Management Program
The policy was revised to reflect the current mission, structure, organization, and functions of Risk Management Services. The new focus is on a holistic approach, according to the professionally accepted discipline of Risk Management, and incorporation of UNT's three pillars: Risk Management, Emergency Management, and Environmental Management.

March 15, 2018

05.041 Employee Awards, Gifts and Prizes
Revised to comply with IRS Code, Texas Government Code, and other UNT policies. Added definitions, Responsible Parties, minimum dollar amounts and reporting functions, and funding sources.

March 14, 2018

06.020 Recruitment and Selection of Teaching Fellows and Teaching Assistants
Revised to capture changes to Teaching Assistant and Teaching Fellow selection and teaching load.
15.006 Campus Closures
The policy was revised to reflect a change in campus closure procedures.
16.001 Disability Accommodations for Students and Academic Units
The policy makes ODA the clearinghouse for all decisions regarding student accommodations and clarifies faculty responsibility regarding disability accommodation.

February 12, 2018

06.006 Librarian Faculty Reappointment and Promotion
New Policy
This policy provides the framework for the development and implementation of unit-level criteria, procedures, and communication processes that support reappointment and promotion for Librarian Faculty.
06.043 Graduate Fellowship/Research Assistantship Load Specifications
Revised to update job titles within the policy.


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