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Policy was updated to incorporated requirements of Texas SB18 and merge pertinent portions of UNT Policy 11.003, Signs, Posters and Advertisement.
Revised to include requirements of Texas SB 18.

Revised to update the policy to reflect the practices of the institution and merge necessary information from UNT Policy 04.014, Reasonable Accommodations & Auxiliary Aids for People with Disabilities.

The policy was revised to clarify language related to university related student travel. Definitions were added.

Moved from Human Resource, Chapter 5 to Faculty Affairs, Chapter 6.

Review without revision
Reviewed by Faculty Senate with no revision.

New policy
The area of research administration is a complex and evolving area. This policy was developed to address Federal, State and other Sponsor rules and regulations, policies and procedures concerning scientific, regulatory and administrative needs and requirements.

Review without revision
The policy was reviewed with no substantive revision.

The policy updates definitions and processes related to the promotion and reappointment of non-tenure track faculty.
Section III, Release of Video, was added, and definition updated.