Policy Updates

April 06, 2020

07.003 Student Health and Wellness Center
The policy revision simplified language and update procedures.
04.008 Records Management and Retention
The policy was revised to bring the content up-to-date and in compliance with state regulations.
11.010 Tree Preservation
The policy revision included minor updates to policy language.

March 03, 2020

05.006 Background Checks
The policy was revised to allow an office who conducts a criminal history check for one particular purpose to share the adverse information regarding an employee with HR (or Dean of Students, if appropriate).

March 01, 2020

February 25, 2020

15.007 Insurance
Review without revision
The policy was reviewed and only minor edits were made. No substantive revisions.

February 20, 2020

06.007 Full-Time Faculty and Academic Administrator Annual Review, and Academic Administrator Reappointment
The policy revision added definitions necessary for policy understanding. The review process for Annual Reviews and guidelines for the Annual Review and Reappointment of Academic Administrators were also added.

February 14, 2020

03.001 Mission Statement of the University of North Texas
The policy was revised to state the UNT mission approved by the Board of Regents in February 2020.

February 03, 2020

04.026 Animals On Campus Grounds
Substantive components of UNT policy 16.002, Campus Access for Service and Comfort Animals for People with Disabilities, and UNT policy 15.013, Animals in University of North Texas Buildings, Leased Facilities and On Campus Properties, were combined to provide a single policy to address animals on UNT campus grounds.
04.025 Youth Protection Program
The policy was revised to support the work of the university's Youth Protection Program, which was created to protect the safety and well-being of the university community, including non-student minors.


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