Policy Updates

August 23, 2022

05.040 Supplemental Compensation
Revisions to this policy were made in accordance with revised UNT System Regulation 03.2000 and corresponding System model policy. Substantive changes include: faculty supplemental compensation no longer requires approval by both Academic Resources and HR and will only require Academic Resources approval as the office who manages all faculty compensation matters; provisions added for non-exempt employee eligibility to receive supplemental compensation; exception provision for augmentations over 20% added; minimum timeline for augmentation assignments reduced from six weeks to four; President may approve late task assignments; and administrative supplements section added to policy.

August 12, 2022

15.008 Operation of University Vehicles
This policy was edited for clarity as part of its 6-year review. Updates also include changed language for consistency with other University policies, e.g., defined "Employees," replaced job requirements with conducting University Business for official University functions, etc.

August 01, 2022

05.050 Sick Leave
This policy was revised in alignment with the System model policy, which combined policies on sick leave, sick leave pool, and sick leave donation into one policy. Updates include the addition of a new Family Leave Pool provision.

July 27, 2022

06.019 Financial Exigency
Policy was updated to include non-tenure track faculty within its scope and to improve clarity as part of its 6-year review.

July 26, 2022

13.003 Recovery and Distribution of Facilities and Administration Funds
This policy was revised slightly for clarity and currentness as part of its six-year review.

July 25, 2022

07.015 Notification Regarding Missing Resident Students
This policy was updated to clarify it applies to missing residents at UNT (not all UNT students), whether in an on-campus Residence Hall, sorority house owned by UNT, or in a fraternity house where only the campus ground is owned by UNT. Other minor grammatical changes were made.
06.048 Charter of the Faculty Senate of the University of North Texas
This policy was reviewed and updated to more accurately reflect the current form and practices of the UNT Faculty Senate.

July 11, 2022

05.019 HIV/AIDS Education and Prevention
Revisions were made to this policy in accordance with System model policy and to reflect current procedures for educating our students, faculty, and staff about the methods of transmission and prevention of HIV infection.

June 29, 2022

07.004 Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements for Financial Assistance
Format Only
Updated the department name for the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
10.029 Refunds
Format Only
Updated name of the Department of Student Accounting.


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