Policy Updates

June 29, 2022

07.005 Coordination of University Scholarship Administration
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Updated department name for the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
10.032 Employee Indebtedness Owed to the University
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Updated the name of the Student Accounting.
07.004 Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements for Financial Assistance
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Updated the department name for the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
10.029 Refunds
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Updated name of the Department of Student Accounting.
09.002 Fundraising and Private Support
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Updated name of the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.

June 24, 2022

02.001 Policy Development and Definitions
This policy was revised to update the guidance for interpreting policies. Specifically, the list of terms which impose a duty ("must," "shall," etc.) and those which create a discretionary authority ("should," "may," etc.) were expanded. Also, global definitions of terms which are used throughout the UNT Policy Manual have been established in this policy, negating the need to redefine the terms repeatedly. Lastly, other language was expanded and clarified, including terminology around the objective to minimize the amount of procedure in UNT policies.

June 23, 2022

05.053 Time and Attendance/Leave Records
Revisions to policy 05.053, Time and Attendance/Leave Records, include: addition of policy definitions, removal of obsolete procedural information, and revised content to provide clarity around time and attendance reporting requirements for salaried exempt, salaried non-exempt, and hourly employees as well as employee and supervisor responsibilities for compliance with federal and state time and attendance reporting requirements. This policy was revised according to the new UNT System model policy, and combines 05.053, 05.029 Absence/Attendance, and 10.041 Time Sheets.

May 31, 2022

06.021 Academic Assistants
Policy substantially revised for currentness and clarity as part of its 6-year review.
10.050 Spousal Travel
Policy revised for clarity as part of its 6-year review.

May 17, 2022

07.010 Protected Health Information Privacy
Minor updates made to this policy as part of its periodic review, in order to improve clarity and accessibility.


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