Policy Updates

September 08, 2023

06.004 Faculty Reappointment, Tenure, Promotion, and Reduced Appointments
Policy was revised to clarify UNT obligations related to identities of external reviewers. Additionally, language related to dossier review responsibilities was updated for consistency and clarity. The consent agenda for Board of Regents was also updated to align with legal requirements.

September 01, 2023

15.006 Campus Closures
This policy was reviewed as part of the standard 6-year review cycle. Editorial and formatting changes were made. References to URCM were changed to UBSC.
05.033 Staff Employee Discipline and Discharge
Policy revised to align with system model policy and to update to accessible format.

August 29, 2023

13.005 Conflict of Interest for Sponsored Projects
This policy was revised during its 6-year review. Policy was updated to align with various federal regulations governing research disclosures, compliance, and promoting objectivity in research. Several editorial changes and minor revisions were also made.

August 18, 2023

15.009 Biosafety
Policy contact changed from Risk Management Services to Research Integrity & Compliance. Policy updated to reflect biosafety responsibility ownership change from RMS to RIC. Editorial changes to improve general readability, accuracy of legal references, and consistency between other policies were also made.

August 17, 2023

13.006 Research Misconduct
Policy was reviewed as part of the 6-year review cycle. Changes included clarification of responsibilities for University Integrity and Compliance as well as reformatting to an accessible document. Legal references were updated to the most recent iteration available.

August 16, 2023

05.024 Employment of Staff Employees
This policy was revised to provide additional clarity to the selection process. Minor editorial updates were also made for general consistency between other UNT policies.

August 15, 2023

07.019 Student Organizations
This policy was revised to improve clarity of processes and consistency of language between UNT Policies 06.031 Pre-Finals Days, Reading Day, and Final Examinations and 11.001 Facilities Use.

August 09, 2023

10.024 Sales and Receipt of Funds
This policy was reviewed as part of the 6-year review cycle. Revised to provide clarifying language and to update the name of some referenced departments. Policy was also reviewed for conflicts with IRS regulations; none were found. Links to referenced sources were updated accordingly.

July 31, 2023

07.003 Student Health and Wellness Center
This policy was revised to incorporate three other UNT policies: 07.026 Health Insurance for International Students; 07.027 Medical Excuse from Class; and 07.028 Dismissal of Patient from Care. These three polices have been retired as a result of this omnibus revision. Information regarding Tuberculosis (TB) was also incorporated into this policy after being moved from 07.025 Student Meningitis Immunization. Several editorial and formatting changes were made during this revision as well.


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