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New policy
The policy is issued to establish procedure for notifying students of meeting times, proctor exams, etc. for distance education courses prior to enrollment. Effective 12/14/2016.
Revised to create appeals process for office eligibility based on the standards for serving in these roles, create requirement of membership size of at least 8 students, outline the benefits currently available to student organizations, and criteria to serve as officers. Effective 12/14/2016.

Revised to reflect the current process for member selection. Effective 12/08/2016.

Format only
Administrative edits only

Revised to comply with UNT’s 6 year policy review schedule, to align with Regents Rules, and to clarify coordination with the Division of Advancement. Effective 11/04/2016.

Revised to reflect changes in technology/terminology (from “distributed learning” courses to “online” courses, etc). The revisions resulted in a total overhaul of content, with changes related to definitions, clarifications and reorganization. Effective 10/19/2016.

Format only
Policy formatted to link to the "Outside Employment or Service and Dual Employment" Form. References were organized by alpha, and Revision dates were updated to match the mm/dd/yyyy format. Effective 10/17/2016.

Revised to address the items highlighted by the University-wide cash handling management review. This revision provides definition for demand deposits, language requiring documentation of cash handling authorizations, separation of duties, requirement of when deposits must be made to align with other cash related policies, and a cash handling template. Effective 10/11/2016.

Revised to add the definition of graduate student, and organize and streamline the content. The following items were revised and updated: policy statement, definitions, name and formatting. Effective 09/27/2016.

New policy
Policy issued in order to comply with the TX HB No 786. Effective 08/15/2016.