Policy Updates

July 24, 2019

04.005 University Operations During Absence of the President
The policy was revised to clarify the delegation of authority on behalf of the University in the absence of the President.
06.003 Student Academic Integrity
The policy was revised to clarify the academic integrity process and incorporate automated steps utilized in the process.

July 09, 2019

09.002 Fundraising and Private Support
Revised to clarify responsibilities associated with fundraising conducted on behalf of the University and all private support received by the University.
06.051 Faculty Grievance
New Policy
Policy was created to establish standard procedures for faculty grievance related to reappointment, tenure, promotion (RTP), or a term or condition of employment.

July 01, 2019

06.033 Study Abroad
The policy was revised to update study abroad procedures and security measures.

June 18, 2019

06.053 Reporting Substantive Change
New Policy
Policy was developed to establish guidelines for reporting substantive change to the University Accreditation Office so the Accreditation Office can report to the proper governing bodies.
16.004 Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation
The policy was revised to better reflect current laws, regulations, and internal operating procedures. Marital status, citizenship and political affiliation were removed as protected classes. New complaint resolution options, with an informal resolution program, and a filing deadline were added.

June 14, 2019

10.034 Emergency Student Loan Program
The policy was updated to reflect current titles, department names, and Emergency Student Loan Program operating practices.

June 10, 2019

05.015 Ethics
Revised applicable degrees of consanguinity (blood) and updated procedures in accordance with regulations.

May 21, 2019

06.002 Academic Appointments and Titles
The title definitions were deleted from the policy to provide Faculty Affairs the ability to add, delete, or revise titles as necessary.


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