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The official repository of policies for UNT

UNT's Policy Repository

We collaborate with policy owners and contacts to develop, oversee, and maintain the University of North Texas's policies. Please familiarize yourself with the policies. The contacts identified on the policy description page are the first point-of-contact for any questions you may have. For questions about the policy development and approval process, please contact the UPO at 940.565.2335 or

UNT reserves the right to make changes to policies at any time to bring them up-to-date. Information provided in them is subject to change without notice and they do not constitute a contract, express or implied, between UNT or UNT System and any party.

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Latest policy updates

Reviewed out-of-cycle of the standard 6-year review process. Updates include Removing a reporting process dropped as a requirement by the State of Texas. Editorial and formatting changes were also made.
Policy was reviewed as part of the standard 6-year review process. Revisions include updated definitions for reasonable time and active military service, clarification of student absence notifications, and expanded language for student absences due to illness and extenuating circumstances. Various editorial and formatting changes were also made.
This policy was reviewed as part of the standard 6-year review process. Changes include requiring faculty to attest to their efforts in the design of online course, updating definition to “Online Course,” adding a definition for "Intellectual Property Rights", adding a new category of intellectual property, and various editorial and formatting revisions.
Format only
Non-substantive editorial change made to policy. Procedures document also updated.