Policy Updates

February 17, 2022

07.029 Prohibition of Camping on University Property
Reviewed and revised for accuracy.
13.004 Use of Human Subjects in Research
This policy has been updated to provide clarification of responsibilities and definitions related to human subjects research as described in regulations. Updated regulation and resource links, as well as resources to locally report research misconduct have been added.

February 09, 2022

02.001 Policy Development and Definitions
Format Only
Renamed policy from "Policy on Policies" to "Policy Development."

February 08, 2022

15.005 Workers’ Compensation Program
Format Only
Corrected policy title.

February 02, 2022

06.046 Centers and Institutes
This policy was updated to give the VPRI a formal role in reviewing and evaluating centers and institutes, per the request of the provost. The other principal change is to eliminate mandatory annual reporting through the Improve (formerly TracDat) database. Instead, there will be a review in the 3rd year, as well as the standard comprehensive 5th-year review.

February 01, 2022

04.003 Honorary Degree Awards
This policy has been updated to improve the clarity of language, to change the vetting process by the chair of the committee, change a title of the approving party for an undergraduate student committee member, and modify the committee structure.

January 18, 2022

04.022 Printing Services and Copy Centers
Reviewed and revised to include a provision reserving right of PDS director to use outside printing services.

January 10, 2022

10.003 Financial Reporting
Policy reviewed and one link added as a resource for Records information, and some minor language removed because it is no longer accurate or necessary.

January 03, 2022

05.041 Employee Awards, Gifts and Prizes
This policy has been reviewed and revised to reflect university provisions and required approvals for employee gifts, awards, and prizes. All employee gifts, awards, and prizes must be in compliance with state and federal regulations including federal tax purpose treatment and de-minimis items within the Internal Revenue Service threshold as reflected in policy.


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